Portland sure is a City of Books. While "City of Books" is the name of the main downtown location for the independent bookstore Powell's, books seem to be a part of the city as a whole. Some pictures I've taken since we've lived in Portland:
Wall of books in downtown
View inside Powell's
Our son Patrick reading in Powell's
Exhibit about John Adams' books at Central Library, downtown
Copy of Darwin's
On the Origin of Species in Annie Bloom's Books in Multnomah Village
Portland's library system has a wonderful Summer Reading program
Another view inside Powell's
Statue downtown with
The book
Patrick at the Friends of the Beaverton Library bookstore
Vendor at the Saturday Market (arts & crafts), old books made into journals
Lots of books to be found at Science Store in the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, or OMSI
Patrick with a statue at the McMinnville Public Library
Portland purchases used books, reduce-reuse-recycle!
Powell's has other locations besides the City of Books, such as Powell's Technical Books, focusing on science
Cute little bookstore in Sellwood, on the east side of the river
Michael @
Reading in Montana
Currently reading
The Darwin Experience
by John van Wyhe