I thought it would be fun to try a quick alternative to bread machine
After dinner, I threw together the ingredients (water, yeast, salt, flour).

Mixed it all up for a few moments, until it was a sticky mess and covered it with a dish towel.

I let it sit quietly overnight and when the alarm started blaring, I "jumped out of bed" and threw it in the oven. This was the result.

It was too dense, not airy enough (darn mile high elevation!). Next time I'll allow it to bake a little longer and add some spices. It was a great easy (and cheap) alternative to our beloved bread machine
I did enjoy the bread though. It was tasty in the morning, fresh with Hutterite
It was great as a quick snack in the afternoon.
It was best toasted and used to sop up the olive oil
I cannot say it was a perfect Lifehack but I'm going to make it again and invite you to do the same. Does anyone have good advice for tackling the mile high elevation baking challenge?
A little something different from...
Catherine @ Reading In Montana
Maybe try a little more yeast than called for and a bit of gluten.