Virgina Woolf - I think I have begun Mrs. Dalloway a few different times. I have read The Hours so I should have read Mrs. Dalloway. I have always wanted to enjoy A Room of One's Own in well a room of my own. I have even owned a few of Woolf's books only to pass them on without reading them.
James Joyce - I bought a nice hardbound copy of Ulysses on June 16, 2004, exactly one century after the day in which the tomb of a novel takes place. I have yet to read any Joyce, including Dubliners or Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man and my copy of Ulysses has been borrowed for a few years now by my brother-in-law.
Barack Obama - I have started Dreams from My Father, I hope to finish it and get to the Audacity of Hope. I may listen to both on audio instead.
I have many other authors hidden in my closet of unread books. Tonight I may start on a Patricia Highsmith suspense novel, but she's not new to me as I've read quite a bit and enjoyed quite a bit of her work.

What authors are on your to read, should read list? Highsmith would do well on any one's list.
Catherine @ Reading In Montana
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